
The future of Thoroughbred breeding

CheckMate is a revolutionary new online breeding tool that enables breeders to confirm the inbreeding risk for up to ten stallions for each mare. It also enables stallion masters manage their book of mares to reduce overall inbreeding risk which can increase % live foals by up to 17 more foals per 100 mares.

A simple blood sample will take you beyond the pedigree to insights never accessible before.

CheckMate enables breeders to protect the health of their mare and foal

Genomic Inbreeding and Foal Loss

The Royal Veterinary College confirmed the link between genomic inbreeding and mid to late stage abortion in a scientific paper published in 2024. Equinome researchers further validated the correlation between high inbreeding risk for matings (as predicted by CheckMate) and increases in foals lost.

Genomic Inbreeding and Likelihood to Race

Multiple scientific studies from Cornell University, University of New South Wales, University College Dublin and Equinome researchers have established the link between high levels of genomic inbreeding and likelihood of the foal to make it to the racecourse. CheckMate enables breeders to check up a hypothetical mating to ensure unnecessary risks are not being taken, making the best decisions for a healthier, more durable foal.

Mate My Mare

Measuring inbreeding in DNA can help to ensure that the beneficial effects of your breeding decisions continue to outpace any detrimental effect of inbreeding. Test mating your mare against CHECKMATE’s database of stallions (up to ten stallions per mare per annum) allows you to check the predicted level of inbreeding and therefore risk of foal loss / foal with lower likelihood to race.